What is the best gym machine for weight loss

The gyms begin to fill with athletes with the intention of preparing the bikini operation. Many of them do it with little knowledge and run the risk of injury or simply not getting results. It must be said that not all machines are equally effective. In this article, we explain which is the best gym equipment to lose weight.

Elliptical Machine: in one hour you can burn between 300 and 600 calories depending on the resistance chosen. It can be of great help to lose weight and strengthen the muscles. In this exercise, a significant number of muscles enter the scene at the same time, with movements that closely resemble those of cross-country skiing.

Elliptical machine

It is a good option to debut in the gym because it does not imply too much load on a specific area of ​​the body. It is necessary that the back remains straight on all sides and to add more difficulty hold on to the handlebars to work the arms.

Rowing: every hour you can burn between 350 and 700 calories. Thanks to rowing, upper and lower joints are exercised, making it very interesting to burn fat in a short time.
Ideal for all kinds of athletes. Its operation is very simple. It is enough to sit in the seat that is on a rail and that will allow us to slide from back to front. This simulates the movement of the oar with the arms.

Stepper: it is one of the most comfortable devices you will find, especially since you can buy it to have in your house and it will not take up too much space, so it will be possible to store it in any corner.


 An hour of this exercise burns between 300 and 500 calories. The only drawback that may exist is that it loads the area of ​​the twins a lot and it is a bit tired.

-Exercise bike: it is the first machine that we all turn to when we are new to the gym. It shows that it is the simplest of all. It allows strengthening the legs, especially are glutes and quadriceps. In 60 minutes you can burn between 500 and 900 calories, depending on the intensity with which you exercise.

 Exercise bike:

 For some, it is very little boring, especially since it allows you to carry out another activity while you train, such as watching television or reading a book. It provides important benefits for the cardiovascular system. To prevent possible discomfort it is recommended to keep your back straight.

- Treadmill: Many people who do not dare to run outside find a good escape route from the treadmill. It is a great cardiovascular exercise, ideal for burning calories. Between 450 and 650 calories per hour are burned, although this will vary depending on the incline and the speed used.


If you are not a fan of running, you can also use it to walk at high speed. Only then would you get him to profit. We recommend using good running shoes, with cushioning, so that your knees do not suffer.

View More Information visit: www.weightsandbars.com


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