Exercises at home for beginners


The lack of time (people who have workdays often and even twelve hours or who even have several jobs) and, mainly, the lack of money, make many people who want to start playing sports wonder how they could do it without leaving home and what exercises you could do at home without the need for gym equipment.

Today we are going to analyze a series of exercises that you can perform at home in a short time and without practically more material than your own body so that you can train strength and cardio without problems and without going out to the street or to a gym.

The beginning and end of all training: warm-up and cool down

When we talk about structuring a workout, people focus exclusively on how to organize the routine, its exercises, sets, repetitions and rest times, but very few people take into account two very, and I repeat, very important points.

How to combine cardio and strength training at home?

All the exercises mentioned above have one thing in common, and that is that they act on several muscle groups at the same time and if we perform them at the right speed, they can become really strenuous (the goal is not to suffer a heart attack either, but your training is not a walk through the field). We must find the specific point of difficulty that represents a small challenge and we can gradually overcome it.

Remember that physical activity (along with a healthy diet), in addition to help to lose weight, reduces bad cholesterol (LDL), regulates blood pressure and blood glucose values, releasing endorphins, great allies to sustain the periodic routine and systematically.

So above are all the essential elements to keep in mind for home gym setup. Check out the latest all gym equipment at weightsandbars


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